Episode 2: A Fresh Start?

October 23rd, 2008

Episode 2: A Fresh Start?

It wasn’t until I was reformatting these old episodes that I realized how very short some of them were! This one is sort of a cheesy zinger of a joke, but I still think it’s funny, and it introduces the Rick character appropriately, and provides a little mystery.

I’ve been slowly but surely getting the site here sorted out, just working on the sidebar links and stuff. I had a strange formatting problem that I fought with all week, only to find that it was probably just because I only had one post, and the navigation commands caused the layout to freak out if there was only one comic to navigate to. Hopefully that won’t be an issue anymore.

I’ve been working on the social networking, feed saving, sharing, and other links along those lines. There are hundreds of these sites and services, and I’m a little overwhelmed, seeing as I haven’t used most of them myself, so I was hoping those of you who read this can chime in. Do you digg? Stumble? Face the Book? Net the Vibe?  Which of these do you think I should concentrate on? I don’t want a bazillion and a half links over on the side, but I want to cover most of the important ones if possible.

This weekend I will be prepping the much anticipated (by me) ‘other comic’ for its teaseriffic debut on Wednesday, and with any luck, I’ll have some more info (like the fucking title!) for you when I update here on Monday.

Thanks guys. Go do something awesome this weekend!



  1. LOTGK

    Yes, I use Stumble and Digg. You can modify your RSS feed to have those links appear on your feed. This makes it easy to to recommend.

  2. admin

    I’m going to have to look into that RSS modification stuff. I am fully clueless on ‘this side’ of the RSS equation. I’m sure I’ll figure it out, though, or just use a big hammer.

    I knew that you used Stumble, because you made an entry about the comic there way back in the before-times. Thanks for the input!

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