Episode 7: More Money, More Problems

November 10th, 2008

Episode 7: More Money, More Problems

This is the first of two episodes where I experimented with a faux-nightvision technique, and I liked the way it turned out.

I was on the road for most of the past week, and I was very happy to get back home on Friday night, and spent all day Saturday working on comics for the next couple of weeks. Feels good to be productive and creative and all that stuff. I’m finding that I don’t even miss casual TV viewing. Outside of the shows we watch regularly, I’m finding I’m happier moving to the mac and working on stuff than idly channel surfing. For me, that’s a weird, unexpected, but awesome evolution.

I think that’s it for today. Hope you enjoy the comic, and come back Friday for the next thrilling chapter. Thanks for reading!


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