Episode 16: Mission Impalpable

January 23rd, 2009

Episode 16: Mission Impalpable

Alright, so I’m an idiot AND lazy.

Today’s episode was actually good to go more than a week ago, and I’d moved on to editing Ep 17, and forgot to post this one. 17 is giving me some issues, but I’m going to slug through it over the weekend, and work it out, hopefully for Monday.

I sort of want to kick my own ass into gear as far as making new episodes is concerned, so I plan on releasing these older comics (up to episode 48) as soon as I’m able to get them edited, rather than adhering to the mon/fri schedule. This means that some weeks you might see comics posted daily, and others maybe not at all. Once we get to all new comics, I’ll go back to trying to stick to a schedule again. 

With LOST having returned to TV, and the GI Joe movie (as terrible as it looks like it might be, sadly) on the horizon, I think I need to get things rolling here.

Enjoy your weekend!


PS: The Ong-Bak referrence in this comic makes me happy.

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