Episode 17: Making New Friends

February 2nd, 2009

Episode 17: Making New Friends

Hooray for newfound inspiration, here is ep. 17 for you.

So the SuperBowel was last night, and while I have no interest in football, I did catch a bunch of the movie trailers that aired during the game, one of which was for the new GI Joe movie.

Honestly, I have had extremely low expectations ever since I heard of the film’s inception. I’m not the kind of 80’s childhood douchebag who cries and whines about modern versions of things I loved as a kid being pissed on or raped by hollywood, and I actually loved the Transformers movie quite a lot, (and the trailer for the sequel, which also aired during the SuperShovingMatch looks pretty good) but something about a GI Joe movie just seemed not doable without coming off very Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (I liked the first MK movie. Told you, I’m not that picky) in execution, and the sort of ridiculous posters that have been released so far only enforced that thought.

The trailer, however, has me thinking I might have something to look forward to. It makes me think that maybe they’ve taken a page from Michael Bay (a giant, exploding page, with sexy girls and flames printed on it!) and are just making a crazy, fun, over the top action film that puts characters from 25 year-old half hour animated advertisements for toys (let’s be honest, that’s all they really were) into a modern movie context. Hopefully it’ll be as fun as Transformers was, and my low expectations will be exceeded.

Kind of weird casting though… I don’t know…

Anyhow, should have another episode up this week. See you then.


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